Friday, October 10, 2014

Life of Pi

In honor of reading this in English, I am reviewing the movie Life of Pi. This was a very long, but good book. The book is split into 3 parts. Part 1, Pi's background, all about his life and his religious morals. Part 2, Pi's life at sea. Part 3, the interview between Pi and the 2 Japanese interviewers. The book exemplified great detail and was very entertaining to read. The movie... not so much. On a scale of 1-5 I would rate the movie a 4 not reading the book, and a 3 having read the book. In my opinion the book was way better than the movie. And I know that movies won't always be like books but they added in many things, and forgot to put in a lot of things that were  very important. For example they gave Pi a girlfriend in the movie, but she wasn't in the book. They also shortened the part when Pi is on the island and that is one of the longest and most important parts of part 2.  Anyways the movie was mediocre and I wouldn't watch it again but it was worth watching 

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