Friday, September 19, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

This movie is definitely on my top 5 favorite movies. Now it is based on a book but the movie does a beautiful job of reenacting the book. With a tear jerking story line you are sure to shed some tears. Although this movie is more targeted for teenage girls, anyone can enjoy this movie! Hazel Grace Lancaster is a teenager with lung cancer who reads the same book over and over again. When Hazel's mom makes her go to a support group she meets Augustus Waters who is unlike any guy she has met before. He cares about her and wants to get to know Hazel for who she is. This begins the epic story of Hazel's and Gus' love story.
Why should you watch this movie?
This movie is just plain amazing. You may think that it is some cliché chick flick, but I am here to tell you that you are wrong. Now, let's say that your friend completely ruined the ending for you and you don't want to go to the movie. Well don't let that stop you from seeing this movie. Even if you do know the ending you should still go see!
If I see this movie will it completely ruin the book?
Absolutely not! The makers of this movie did a fabulous job of creating this movie to match the book. Sure, there are some things that they couldn't fit in the movie, but they did not leave out any huge parts. Also they didn't really add any parts that they shouldn't have.

Things That Will Happen While Watching This Movie
  1. You will go through at least one box of tissues
  2. You will develop severe character attachment
  3. You will spend you whole life looking for an Augustus Waters
  4. You will be at a loss of words by the end
  5. You will use metaphors a lot more
  6. You'll want to visit the literal heart of Jesus
  7. You will want to go to the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam
  8. You will develop hate for Peter Van Houten
  9. You will cry every time hearing okay? Okay
  10. You will want an okay or always

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